Human Resource Development, Organizational Development and Health Management
Everything under one roof
We are here for you - no matter in which areas of the University you are employed, we will advise and support you in all your concerns regarding further education, career planning and health. The team of Healthy Campus Bonn support students with all questions regarding healthy studying.
Nicola Thiele
Susanne Brandt
Stefanie Freyberger
Academic Career Development
The Academic Career Development supports academics after their doctorate and up to professorship level with a comprehensive range of advisory and qualification services for orientation and career planning.
Julia Küchel
Petra Best
Qualifications and Digital Projects (QdP)
The Human Resource Development supports and accompanies all employees with technical and administrative tasks through a comprehensive qualification, career planning and orientation offer.
Susanne Brandt
Organizational Development
The employees of Organizational Development are the contact persons for questions concerning organization and processes.
Stefanie Freyberger
Rolf Packmohr
Alina Albrecht
Healthy Campus Bonn
Healthy Campus Bonn (HCBN) has set itself the goal of imparting sustainable health awareness to all students and employees and promoting it through targeted offers. Within the framework of a University Health Management (UGM), the structural conditions for healthy studying, researching and working at the University of Bonn are created.
Dr. Manuela Preuß
Hannah Shepherd
Dr. Katja Stöver