Internal Audit Unit
Reporting to the Provost, the Internal Audit Unit provides independent audit and advisory services. This is geared toward improving workflows in the University of Bonn’s central and academic institutions and reducing risks. Internal Audit’s responsibilities include, in particular, scrutinizing whether administrative activities are legal, correct, effective, fit for purpose and cost-efficient.
Internal Audit thus supports and lightens the load on the Provost as he fulfills his leadership responsibility for central administration and on the University management as it fulfills its overall responsibility toward the University. However, its staff are also points of contact for all employees and help them perform their duties.
Internal Audit does not have the power to issue instructions and cannot intervene in day-to-day operations through its decision-making. The individual departments and organizational units remain responsible for ensuring that the workflows within their remit are implemented properly and in accordance with the law.
All employees are welcome to contact Internal Audit at any time if they have questions or concerns.
Internal Audit’s organizational structure and way of working are set out in rules of procedure.