Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit
The Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit is there to make sure that all staff and students can work and learn in safe and healthy conditions. It provides managers and University management with advice on all aspects of health and safety at the University.
Information on all aspects of occupational safety (AGUM)
Risks and hazards are part of life; the challenge lies in finding the right way to approach them. To support staff and managers, the Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit provides an occupational safety management system, which can be accessed on the intranet via the link given below. The occupational safety specialists are happy to help with any problems or questions about designing healthy workplaces and events.
The occupational health and safety and environmental protection (“OHSE” = AGUM) pages form a web-based management handbook that covers all aspects of these issues. The web pages contain systematic, process-based descriptions of the structures, workflows and procedures involved. They provide a description of the statutory provisions that is tailored to the respective target audience and offer specific, legally watertight assistance with getting your OHSE issues sorted.
The advice we provide
We are happy to advise you on issues relating to occupational safety in general as well as workplace safety in laboratories, in workshops, in offices and out and about. Just give us a call or check out our topics in the Service Portal.
Occupational safety seminars
Responsibility for ensuring safety at work is shared among all University staff. To give them the right tools to do so, the Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit organizes seminars in partnership with Unit 02.2—Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection at the University of Cologne that tackle topical issues relating to occupational safety and environmental protection. They explore legal, technical and procedural developments and present pragmatic solutions in order to raise awareness of known or hidden problems.
Note that the seminars advertised here are no substitute for the briefings that managers are expected to give regularly and before new staff start work.
Business hours
- Monday to Thursday
8:30 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3:30 pm
- Friday
8:30 am to 1 pm
- https://uni-bonn.agu-hochschulen.de/index.php?id=714
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/x/isZgCg
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/organisation-and-institutions/university-administration/units/occupational-safety-and-environmental-protection-unit/seminars
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/arbeiten-an-der-uni/personalentwicklung/veranstaltungen/stabstelle-arbeits-und-umweltschutz/anmeldung-au
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/arbeiten-an-der-uni/personalentwicklung/lernen
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/stabsstellen/stabsstelle-arbeits-und-umweltschutz-1/kontakt
- https://uni-bonn.agu-hochschulen.de/index.php?id=1163