Division 8 - University Communications
University Communications organizes the central communication activities of the University of Bonn and is responsible for maintaining and developing its communication channels. We help to establish good, successful communications between members of the University, the media and the public, thereby assisting the University in fulfilling its important research and teaching responsibilities.
Director's Office
Our management team coordinates the many central communications activities of the University of Bonn, develops communication concepts, acts as the media representative for the University and takes care of important strategic and policy matters.
Opening Hours
- Monday to Friday
9:00 am–5:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Andreas Archut
Our Services
University Communications offers services ranging from our press service and social media management all the way to video production.
Press Service
We issue press releases to report news and publish information from science and research experts.
We publish in a variety of formats, such as the University's own “forsch” magazine, brochures and the Annual Report of the Rectorate.
Social Media
The University of Bonn is active on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Xing, LinkedIn and YouTube. Stay in touch!
Photo and Video Service
A picture says a thousand words. We can provide all the pictures you need of the University of Bonn.
Corporate Design
Our corporate design ensures a uniform modern appearance with high brand recognition.
Media Analysis
What are the media writing about the University of Bonn and its members? We can provide an overview.
Also read
Subscribe to receive press releases
The media and University members can subscribe to our press releases.
Film permit
A film permit is required to film in University buildings and on University grounds. They are available here.
forsch. The University magazine
Our University magazine provides regular news about the University of Bonn.
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/press-and-communications/contact
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/press-and-communications/press-service/press-service
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/press-and-communications/publications/publications
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/press-and-communications/social-media
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/press-and-communications/video-and-photo-service
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/press-and-communications/corporate-design
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/press-and-communications/press-service/online-press-review
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/presse-kommunikation/presseservice/online-presseschau
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/presse-kommunikation/video-und-fotoservice
- https://stage.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/presse-kommunikation/publikationen