Division 4 - Facilities Management
Facilities Management is involved in the administration's strategic objective "Creating the best-possible environment for research and teaching on an institutional level and supporting focus areas." This means ensuring operations and, with regard to construction and technology, providing reliable facilities for conducting top-level research, raising third party funding, attracting renowned researchers, enforcing necessary safety standards and ensuring that workplaces meet occupational safety requirements.
Management and organization of Facilities Management, which has 5 sections and around 260 employees.
The organizational chart for Facilities Management is available here.
Section 4.1 - Infrastructure and Facility Services
Emergency Number (available around the clock): +49 228/73-5541
Service and expert knowledge
Section 4.3 - Technical Services
Securing technical operations in approx. 350 University facilities
Section 4.5 - Construction
Represents the University in BLB construction projects and acts as an interface to BLB NRW, the City of Bonn and ministries.
Also coordinates user requirements and carries out University and BLB construction projects.
Section 4.6 - Commercial Facility Management
Commercial Facility Management has the following key responsibilities:
- Central Contact for CAFM (problems, user requests, etc.)
- Rental
- Administrative telephony
- Contract management and central chemical supply (ZVE)
- Facility management finances
- Digitalization Management
Section 4.7 - Land Development
Land Development has the following key responsibilities:
- Room- and space management
- Placement and reallocation of University bodies
- University location development plan (HSEP)
- General strategic planning for University space and buildings
Our work is based on the questions: Which university body is able to/wants to/should develop its space—in which way, to which extent, where and through which process?
Services provided by Facilities Management
We provide property management services for the University of Bonn.
Information and forms for the services are available here for contractors and visitors:
Information for contractors
Information for service providers and suppliers for Facilities Management
University parking
Managed and barrier-free University parking areas in the City of Bonn
Waste management and
hazardous materials
Waste and hazardous materials disposal for the University administration, institutes, UKB and other organizational units
Printing and mail room
Official printing of University administration, institutes and other organizational units
Construction & Fire Protection
All information on this topic is available here
Important Downloads
A link to the ordering for print business cards is available here along with a link to the ordering tool "CAFM/Conject" that is used to report problems and order trade contractor services. A video for contractors is also available.
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/medien-universitaet/medien-organisation-und-einrichtungen/medien-dezernat-4/20250310_organigramm-viso-neu-4-stand_032025_englisch.pdf
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/kontakt/kontakt-4.1
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/services/4-3-technik
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/kontakt/copy_of_kontakte-4.5
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/services/abteilung-4-6-kfm-liegenschaftsbetreuung
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/organisation-and-institutions/university-administration/university-infrastructure-and-facility-services/contact/kontakte-4.7?set_language=en
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/services/informationen-fuer-fremdfirmen
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/services/parkraumbewirtschaftung
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/services/gefahrgut-und-entsorgung
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/services/druckerei
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/organisation/universitaetsverwaltung/dezernat-4-liegenschaften/services/copy_of_abteilung-4-5-bau
- https://unibonn.hausprint.de/index.php
- https://conjectfm-web16.verwaltung.uni-bonn.de/conjectFMPortal-UBN/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYaXsKmv940