Printing Services at the University of Bonn
Part of Section 4.1 - Infrastracture and Facility Services - in division 4 we offer official printing services for:
- the University administration
- Institutes and
- other organizational units
What can we do for you? Please refer to our catalog of services (see downloads).
Our address:
Section 4.1 - Infrastructure and Facility Services
Printing Services
Am Hof 1
Ground Floor, Room 0.074
53113 Bonn

Print Jobs
You need to complete a printing form to order University printing services.
The printing form includes information on
- the printing service required,
- delivery and
- billing.
Printing forms can be submitted online or in paper form (see downloads).

Ordering Printing Services
The following are available for download here
- Online printing form
- Manual printing form (pdf)
- Ordering business cards (online)
How to create a pdf-File
Instructions for creating a print file in pdf format are available here.
The FAQ below makes it quick and easy to order printing services.
You can send us print files in PDF format. We can easily work with those files.
The help file "How to create a PDF-file" explains how a print file is created (see downloads).
You can generally choose from three sizes:
A5 (148x210 mm)
A4 (210x297 mm)
A3 (297x420 mm)
We also offer special sizes. Please contact us if you need a special size.
We can print in both black and white and color. And not everything has to be in color. We could, for example, print only the title page in color and the text in black and white.
The available paper types differ in terms of weight and color. Normal paper has a weight of 80 to 100 gsm and is used for letters, correspondence, conference proceedings, etc. Heavy weight paper (card stock) is used for items like posters and certificates. There is also paper that is used, for example, for the title page or cover page of conference proceedings. You may also choose the color of the paper.
Business cards using the University Corporate Design can be quickly ordered online. You will receive a PDF file to check before we print your order. The link for online orders is in the download section above.
Contact Information
Monika Wygand