Parking at University of Bonn

University Parking

We come under Section 4.1—Infrastructure and Facility Services, part of Division 4, and have been involved in the University of Bonn’s mobility concept since 2015. Our aim is to reduce the number of cars and motorbikes on University grounds.

A valid parking permit is required in order to use the parking areas at the University. Permanent parking permits, daily parking permits and parking machine tickets are considered parking permits.

External service providers can request a free parking permit if they need to park at the University while working on its behalf.

Our responsibilities

  • Management of University parking spaces
    in the City of Bonn
  • Allocating permanent parking permits
  • Issuing daily parking permits
Bild Tiefgarage.jpg
© Uni-Bonn

Opening hours

Day parking permits can be purchased at the following locations for €1.20/unit (preferably card payment).

·         Foyer of former Deutscher Herold Building
          Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33, 53115 Bonn
          Monday to Thursday from 08:00 am to noon and from 01:00 pm to 03:30 pm
          Friday from 08:00 am to 03:00 pm
          phone +49 228 73 5600

·         Janitor’s office in the Poppelsdorf lecture hall center
          Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5, 53115 Bonn
          Monday to Friday, 8 am to 3 pm (please arrange in advance),
          phone +49 228 73 4888

  • Info point Faculty of Philosophy
    (additional point of sale for ticket payers only)
    Rabinstr. 8, 53111 Bonn
    Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 14:00
    phone +49 228 73-60777

Day tickets for the University parking garage are only available from the above mentioned foyer of former Deutscher Herold Building for €1.20 each. Please note that you will need to use your day ticket as soon as you enter. You can use the same day ticket to return as many times as you like within 24 hours of your first visit. Please always have your day ticket on you as you will need it to access the underground parking garage. Students are not allowed to purchase day tickets for the University parking garage due to capacity constraints. 

 Permanent parking permits are issued in the University Parking office (room 2.029), which is open at the following times:

Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 10:30 am and from 1 pm to 2 pm

Our address

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-
University of Bonn
Infrastructure and Facility Services (Sec. 4.1)
Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33
53115 Bonn


External service providers and contractors are exempt from parking fees for the duration of their work deployment for the University.
Only cash payment is currently possible at the parking ticket machine at Nachtigallenweg 86!

Both the parking management office and the office of Department 4.1 will be closed from 10 to 14.04.2025.

Closure of the Juridicum parking lot from 05. to 07.05. and from 14. to 23.05.2025 ! The Juridicum underground parking garage will be open on these days (access via Lennéstraße).

New rules for parking in the evening and at weekends


The following information is available as download

  • University Parking Circulars No. 70/2020 and 50/2015 and
  • General terms of use


The following are available as download

  • Notes on the use of daily parking permits
  • University parking in the City of Bonn

Requesting and canceling permits

Here you can find the downloads you need: 

  • To request a permanent parking permit (note that permanent parking permits for the University parking garage cannot be issued to students due to capacity constraints)
  • To cancel an existing permanent parking permit

Contact Information

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