University is Communication

University Communications and Press Office

University Communications organizes the central communication activities of the University of Bonn and is responsible for maintaining and developing its communication channels. We help to establish good, successful communications between members of the University, the media and the public, thereby assisting the University in fulfilling its important research and teaching responsibilities. 

Our Services

A stack of newspapers can be seen.

Press Service

Not a day goes by without something new at the University. New knowledge is created every day by researchers at the University of Bonn. From Hofgarten to Venusberg, we provide the news faster than anyone else.

Eight colorful dial telephones stand in a cabinet.


Our team will advise you on all matters relating to communications, press relations and public relations. 


The University magazine, brochures and reports—the University of Bonn creates its own publications to provide information about its work.

Online Editing

The thousands of central webpages at the University of Bonn need constant editing to keep them up-to-date. We do that!

Social Media

We use social media to keep in contact with our fans and friends in Bonn and around the world

Corporate Design

Our corporate design ensures high recognition of the “University of Bonn” brand. We can help you use it.

Video and Photo Service

We put research and teaching in the proper light. We use photos and videos to present the University of Bonn and its members.

forsch. The University Magazine

What moves the University of Bonn? Who are the people behind the research results and programs offered? Read about it here!

Latest News
Second International Staff Week at the University of Bonn

The University of Bonn held its second International Staff Week in May. The focus this time around: “New Approaches to Services for Students and Staff at Universities.” This included an investigation into the various new approaches universities are using to provide services to different target audiences and the challenges confronting administrative staff in an increasingly complex and digitalized environment.

How the Indo-Australian Archipelago became a biodiversity hotspot

The region with the greatest marine biodiversity on our planet is known as the Coral Triangle or Indo-Australian Archipelago. However, the detailed evolutionary history of this biodiversity hotspot is poorly understood. An international research team has reconstructed how biodiversity has developed over the past 40 million years. The University of Bonn is involved in the study, which has now been published in the journal Nature. 

Universitätsfest with over 5,000 guests from 70 nations

With 1,896 participating graduates of the 2023/2024 academic year, the University of Excellence Bonn will once again bid farewell to a record number of Bachelor's and Master's graduates on Saturday, July 6, 2024, with a large celebration in the Hofgarten. Over 70 nations will be represented, with families and friends expected in large numbers to celebrate the handing out of certificates. This makes it probably the largest central graduation ceremony at a university in Germany.

Farmland weeds help to combat pests

Leaving some weeds between crops can help to combat pests on agricultural land, according to a new study carried out by the University of Bonn. This step has particularly positive effects in combination with other measures: the cultivation of different types of crops and planting strips of wildflowers. The results have now been published in the Journal of Pest Science.

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