The organizers emphasize that the demonstrations are apolitical and non-institutional. Everyone is invited to participate. The start is at 12 noon; the end of the event is scheduled for 3 pm.
The organizers of the March for Science want to oppose, for example, the denial of climate change and other scientifically based findings, conspiracy theories such as the interpretation of aircraft contrails as "chemtrails" and the use of "alternative facts" for political purposes.
Rector Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch, together with numerous other personalities from science and research, is one of the supporters of the March for Science. He will join the crowd in the Hofgarten park on April 22nd. Prof. Hoch says: "The importance of science and research for our society cannot be over-emphasized. It is time to send a clear sign. That's why we support the event on 22 April and provide the Hofgarten park! "
The Hofgarten park is a symbolic place for the upcoming demonstration; in the seventies and eighties large mass demonstrations took place there. In October 1983, for example, hundreds of thousands gathered here to demonstrate for peace and disarmament and against the NATO Double-Track Decision.
On 22 April the Hofgarten park will probably not be as crowded as back then. How many participants will actually follow the call is difficult to estimate as there is no experience of comparable events.
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