Various forms of dependency varying between slavery and freedom have existed throughout human history and all over the world. Only in the western hemisphere did a form of slavery emerge that was sanctioned by the state, formed the basis of empires, and shaped the economies of the countries involved in the "West" and its colonies. The theme of "Atlantic slavery" has become a thriving field of research in the United States and elsewhere. In other regions of the world, such as the Arab world and Asia, as well as pre-Columbian America, various forms of slavery have developed, which are far from being as well researched as the Atlantic counterpart.
The Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies wants to help close research gaps and participate in the international scientific debate on dependency and slavery. For this purpose, an international research network will be developed that deals with the investigation of asymmetric dependency structures of social orders.
Note to editors: The inauguration ceremony will take place on December 8 at the Bonn University Club, Konviktstraße 9 at 6 pm. The event will be musically accompanied by the jazz duo Max Blumentrath and Benjamin Schütz. The media are welcome.
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