12. July 2018

Rector condemns anti-Semitic attack Rector condemns anti-Semitic attack

Visiting professor insulted and attacked before his talk

Rector condemns anti-Semitic attack

University of Bonn
University of Bonn © Universität Bonn
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On behalf of all University of Bonn members, the Rector Professor Michael Hoch, strongly condemns the anti-Semitic attack on our guest from the United States:

"We highly regard our guest for his indescribable dedication to his students by giving a lecture even after the attack on him. We are distressed that our academic friend will carry this awful experience he made in Germany back home with him. We continue to stand for free and unhindered scientific discourse. The academic community, including all scientists, students and staff of the University of Bonn, stands for open and internationally-oriented science and society.“

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