12. October 2022

Editorial: Changing perspectives, broadening horizons Editorial: Changing perspectives, broadening horizons

Dear Readers,
What good are universities, really? In this issue we look at two studies that provide extraordinarily explicit answers to this very question. Data shows that universities are a tangible driver of economic prosperity —generating impact quantifiable in euros—and furthermore contribute crucially to real societal progress. University-based research also makes the world a better place, a bit more with every passing day.

Staff Week in Bonn
Staff Week in Bonn © Gregor Hübl / Universität Bonn
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For this issue our contributors have gone on a deep dive quite literally, delving into subterranean spaces hidden beneath the Electoral Palace, in the company of the University Archivist, to unearth intriguing facts and expose new perspectives.

Changing perspectives, broadening horizons ... it all has to do with diversity. We have many individuals across an array of functions here at the University who are energetically engaged in enhancing diversity in visible fashion on campus—some working full-time, some volunteering—who are dedicated to integrating people from diverse walks of life into our community experience. This is because we know with clarity that diversity is beneficial to us all. And to learn more specifically about how we benefit we interviewed our Vice Rector for Equal Opportunity and Diversity and our Head of Equal Opportunity and Diversity and talked to several of our colleagues who address aspects of diversity on a daily basis.

The University’s internationalization agenda is bound up with these efforts, including for example opportunities for our associates in administration to meet and talk with their colleagues from other European universities about their various experiences in the university context, and opportunities to improve their language and intercultural skills.

We hope you enjoy this issue, and wish you a great start into the winter semester!


The Forsch Editorial Team

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