26. April 2024

Digital University of Bonn - Things are moving! Digital University of Bonn - Things are moving!

Fascinating research in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence. An app that serves as a student ID card. And people who are reconnecting the university from within and finding overarching digital solutions: The university is pursuing ambitious goals with digitalization. It wants to establish itself as a digital presence university and is focusing on future-oriented and internationally networked research, innovative teaching and IT services. Current examples show what we have already achieved with our excellent research, teaching and a university-wide digital strategy.

News on digitalization at the University of Bonn

Going forward together

A Digital Strategy for the University of Bonn

Innovations in information technology are transforming our world and thus changing the University of Bonn’s mission in research, teaching and social impact and the environment in which it is pursuing this. With this Digital Strategy, the University is positioning itself as both a university in the traditional sense, i.e. where teaching takes place on site, and one that embraces the possibilities afforded by digitalization. With a clear and comprehensive idea of its own development and what future-oriented, internationally interconnected research, teaching and IT services require, it has formulated its vision and identified measures and structures for its own digital transformation.

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