The Opening of the Academic Year 2022/2023
The University of Bonn started the academic year 2022/23 on October 18 with the traditional academic celebration of its foundation day. The opening ceremony took place as a "hybrid" event: In addition to the traditional face-to-face event in the auditorium of the university, it was simultaneously broadcast on the internet.
Event recordings 2022
Here you can find the recording of our livestream of the opening of the Academic Year 2022/2023 on October 18 this year. You can also access individual videos of the various proramming points separately here.
Opening of the academic year 2022/23
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Livestream recording from October 18, 2022
Here you can access the complete event recording of the livestream of the opening of the academic year 2022/2023 on October 18, 2022.
Welcome and introduction - speech of the rector
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Welcome and introduction - speech of the rector
The Rector of the University of Bonn, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, opened the academic year 2022/2023 in the auditorium of the University of Bonn.
Greeting by the Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn
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Greeting by the Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn
The Mayor of the Federal City of Bonn gave a welcoming speech and pointed out the close relationship between the Federal City of Bonn and the university.
Panel: Use and security of health data
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Panel: Use and security of health data
The legal scholar Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider, the medical scientist Prof. Dr. Alexander Radbruch, the computer scientist and IT security expert Prof. Dr. Michael Meier and the director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (FKIE), Prof. Dr. Peter Martini, discussed cyber security and the opportunities and challenges of using health data.
Video Greetings from the strategic partner universities
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Video Greetings from the strategic partner universities
The global networking of the University of Bonn is illustrated by greetings from strategic partner universities around the world.
Bonn University Ambassadors
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Bonn University Ambassadors
The Vice Rector for International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch, presents the University's Ambassadors Programme. Eleven of the international Bonn University Ambassadors are guests in person. As research ambassadors, they represent the University of Bonn around the globe.
ThThe State Prizes and the DAAD Prize 2022
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The State Prizes and the DAAD Prize 2022
The State Prizes and the DAAD Prize 2022 were awarded this year during the International Day on October 19, 2022. However, the award winners of 2022 will already be announced at the opening of the Academic Year: The Premio Rey de España will be awarded to Alba Iglesias Martin, Marién Salinas Valera and Luis Padberg. The Prix de la République française will be awarded to Lisa Thomas, and Carlotta Wolfram has been nominated for the Queen's Prize. The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) goes to Relindis Ebesoh Nkeng.
From a student perspective - Speech by the AStA Chairwomen
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From a student perspective - Speech by the AStA Chairwomen
Madilta Mues is the chairwomen of the General Students' Committee - AStA- at the University of Bonn. From a student perspective, she calls for more support for students from the state and points out the threat of poverty for many students. She believes that it is up to the politicians to ensure more participation and equal opportunities.
Current developments and outlook
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Current developments and outlook
The Rector summarises: the Excellence University of Bonn will continue to make a contribution to society with top research and teaching - especially in challenging times.
Event recordings from previous years
Here you can find the recording of our livestream of the opening of the Academic Year 2022/2023 on October 18 this year. You can also access individual videos of the various proramming points separately here.

Opening of the Academic Year 2021/22
Opening of the Academic Year 2020/21
Image gallery 2022
Image gallery 2021
Image gallery 2020
Image gallery 2019
Image gallery 2018
The opening of the Academic Year is supported by: