P26 – Ages and Wonders

P26: Knowledge of the past, present and future

Time-honored or cutting-edge? At the University of Bonn, we believe it's about the best of both worlds. That's why we are opening our new House of Knowledge and Research located at Poststrasse 26 - P26 for short. A modern building in the middle of the city, each floor with its own story: museums, scientific collections, temporary exhibitions, a new café and the University's information point.

P26 is all about the knowledge of today, the messages of the past, and research for tomorrow. Experience science like never before.

Come by from October 23, 2024. We look forward to your visit!

P26 Logo
© Universität Bonn

Gips nur einmal, unsere Uta!

Wordplay with ‘Gibts’ as a short form from ‘Gibt es’ (exists) and the word ‘Gips’ (plaster), in the sense of: Only exists once, our Uta (made of plaster)!

What are we talking about? The unique, life-size plaster cast of Uta von Naumburg, which will be on display on the floor of the Paul-Clemen-Museum in P26 from October 23, 2024, along with many other famous plaster casts and sculptures.

Uta von Naumburg is a statue that originally adorns the west choir of Naumburg Cathedral as one of the most famous donor figures and is considered an ideal of beauty of her time. The plaster cast of Uta is part of the exhibition and collection of the Paul-Clemen-Museum of the Institute of Art History at the University of Bonn and thus part of one of the largest collections of its kind at a university in the German-speaking world. Now more than ever, the collection is open to the public at P26. Come by and learn more about contemporary art and many well-known works from different eras - from the Middle Ages to Modern times.

Herrschaftszeiten, was war das?

In German, ‘Herrschaftszeiten’ can be understood as an indignant exclamation (such as ‘Oh my gosh!’) as well as the word for ‘times of (different) political governance’

What do we mean by that? In the course of human history, societies have gone through different periods and forms of rule - from the age of ancient Egypt to the Middle Ages and the modern era. At P26, each floor highlights a different era and a different main topic.

As part of the Global Heritage Lab, P26 also takes a critical look at the concept of ruling, domination and cultural heritage - for example by examining colonial pasts and focusing on historically suppressed knowledge.

Herrschaftszeiten, was war das?
© Uni Bonn
i can’t believe how beautiful this is
06:15 PM
Unter dem Titel i can’t believe how beautiful this is zeigen die Künstler*innen Kristina Lenz & Alex Simon Klug Arbeiten, die in Auseinandersetzung mit ...
Mit Herodot auf Reisen
P26, Poststraße 26
Whole Day
Die erste Sonderausstellung des Ägyptischen Museums in P26 stellt den Vater der Geschichtsschreibung, wie ihn vielleicht einige noch aus dem Schulunterricht ...

Museums, Collections, Global Heritage Lab and Info Point

© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

Egyptian Museum

A journey through time on the Nile - Egypt in Bonn. The Egyptian Museum offers a cultural-historical panorama of Pharaonic Egypt with around 1,000 exhibits, including excavation finds, a study collection as well as selected donations and loans, which together form a cabinet of collections.

Global Heritage Lab
© Senya Zhuvakin/Unsplash

Global Heritage Lab

Global interdependencies: The Global Heritage Lab is a laboratory for critical reflection on museums and cultural heritage. New global and historical perspectives will provide impetus for museums and collections at the University.

© Meike Böschemeyer/Uni Bonn


Collection and exhibition, research and study: the Paul Clemen Museum is a workshop of visual knowledge. From the Middle Ages to the present day, you will find sculptures, casts and goldsmith's art.

© Uni Bonn

Info point

The Infopunkt of the University of Bonn is a popular point of contact for University members, prospective students, guests, the curious and many others for (almost) all questions from “Egypt” to “awarding certificates”. There is always a helpful answer to be found here, with personal advice and further information material. And our popular merchandise is also available here.

What's new
Auf Spurensuche

Die Eröffnungsausstellung im Knowledge Lab Uni Bonn (KLUB) des Hauses P26 gibt bis Ende März 2025 Einblicke in Objektgeschichten aus den Museen und Sammlungen der Universität Bonn. Forscher und Forscherinnen haben sich auf Spurensuche begeben, um die Herkunft und die Erwerbsgeschichte der Objekte zu ergründen, eben die Provenienz zu erforschen. Sie fragen: Wer hat die Objekte wann und wie gesammelt oder erworben? Wie und warum sind sie an die Universität Bonn gekommen? Auch die Frage, wie Museen mit Objekten aus sensiblen Kontexten angemessen umgehen können, wird in der Ausstellung beleuchtet.

Globale Verflechtungen

Globale Verflechtungen der Uni Bonn werden insbesondere in ihren Sammlungen sichtbar. Die erste Ausstellung des Global Heritage Lab in P26 öffnet am 23. Oktober 2024 um 10.00.  

Opening hours

Museum opening hours: P26 opens on Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024. The museums in P26 are open Wednesday to Friday from 2 to 6 pm.

Exhibition on the first floor: Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm. Admission is free.

Infopoint opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm. 

P26 is located at Poststrasse 26 in Bonn's city center © VLannert/Uni Bonn
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