Onboarding for New Staff Members
A warm welcome to the University of Bonn! Wondering how best to get started? Our tailored services are designed to make your first steps as easy as possible. We also help the departments doing the recruitment to make their onboarding process as helpful as possible for new employees.
As a new member of staff, you automatically get access to the eCampus online platform, where an area has been set up to provide you with initial guidance.
Welcome events are also held several times a year for new employees and researchers from all across the University, where you can meet new colleagues who, like you, are just starting out. In addition, various (service) units at the University will be there to introduce themselves and give you the rundown on your new employer at first hand.
Our overview of events will tell you what welcome events are coming up.

Clusters of Excellence
employees and researchers
Onboarding for Newly Appointed Professors
To make your start as a newly appointed professor as pleasant and enjoyable as possible, we offer various onboarding services to support you – from accepting your appointment through to your first 100 days in post.
Appointment Management and Onboarding
Relocating to Bonn throws up a lot of questions – both professional and personal. As well as providing assistance with your move to Bonn, we work together with your departments and the administrative units to ensure that your time at the University starts as smoothly as possible.
We will support you before, during and after the appointment process, e.g. with:
- Moving and finding accommodation
- Childcare and choosing schools
- Dual Career Service
- Personnel selection and much more besides
yourSTART for Newly Appointed Professors
The first few months as a newly appointed professor are crucial. As well as giving you many new and interesting opportunities to shape your research and teaching, they also often mean assuming management and leadership responsibilities.
We therefore offer various services that will support you right from your first day in your new role:
STEP: Tailored Funding for Female Professors
To ensure a smooth transition to working at the University of Bonn, we provide female W2 and W3 professors with targeted support such as:
- Time-limited funding for academic staff
- Organizing workshops
- Support with teaching obligations during the initial phase
The scope of funding will be defined on a case-by-case basis in cooperation between the researcher and the Rectorate.
Tips for Departments Recruiting New Staff
If you are planning to hire a new employee and wondering how to make their first few days and weeks as enjoyable and smooth as possible,
We have put together some short online tutorials and checklists to help you get your new staff on board successfully.
Susanne Brandt
Also see
Staff advice and conflict mediation service
Support in the event of conflicts and challenging situations in the workplace.
Family-Friendly University
Advice and support for everything to do with a healthy work/life balance.
- https://ecampus.uni-bonn.de/goto_ecampus_grp_983720.html
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/arbeiten-an-der-uni/personalentwicklung/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungen-arbeitsplatz-hochschule
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/display/SAPSUP/Hilfe+zum+SAP-System
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/working-at-the-university/working-in-research/professors-and-junior-professors/onboarding
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/working-at-the-university/human-resource-development/advice-and-coaching
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/working-at-the-university/human-resource-development/learning
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/working-at-the-university/human-resource-development/team-building-1
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/working-at-the-university/human-resource-development/lead
- https://www.chancengleichheit.uni-bonn.de/de/step_foerderung/Forschungsprojekte
- https://ecampus.uni-bonn.de/goto.php?target=crs_1853985&client_id=ecampus
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/arbeiten-an-der-uni/mitarbeiter-und-konfliktberatung
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/organisation-and-institutions/university-administration/human-resources/department-3-human-resources_old
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/equal-opportunity/family-friendly-university