Professorship (W3) for Theoretical Particle Physics

Professorship (W3) for Theoretical Particle Physics

Published on: 12.07.2024

The University of Bonn is an international research university with a wide education and research profile. With a 200-year history, approximately 31,500 students, more than 6,000 staff, and an excellent reputation at home and abroad, the University of Bonn is one of the most important universities in Germany and is recognized as a university of excellence.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Bonn invites applications for a

Professorship (W3) for Theoretical Particle Physics

to be filled at the earliest possible time at the Institute of Physics in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences



Starting date:

earliest possible date

Further Information:

Physics and Astronomy Department

The research area of this professorship will be the phenomenology of elementary particles in the Standard Model and/or physics beyond the Standard Model. We are looking for candidates that will complement and/or enlarge the broad spectrum of activities in theoretical and experimental particle physics in Bonn. We are also currently strengthening our collaborations with the Technical University Dortmund, the University of Siegen and the Forschungszentrum Jülich, and the professorship is expected to contribute substantially to this effort through joint research and teaching activities.
Teaching according to the Lehrverpflichtungsverordnung NRW is an integral part of the professorship, which includes teaching lecture courses and seminars on all levels of the courses of study in German and in English. Corresponding teaching experience is expected. The successful candidate should also be actively involved in academic self-governance.

Diversity and equal opportunity

The University of Bonn stands for diversity and equal opportunities. It is certified as a family-friendly university and has a dual career service. Its aim is to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and particularly support their careers. It thus expressly encourages suitably qualified women to apply. Applications are handled in accordance with the national equal opportunities law. Applications from suitable candidates with verified severe disabilities and persons with an equivalent status are also particularly welcome.

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Physics and Astronomy Department


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