W2 professorship in Data Engineering for AI

W2 professorship in Data Engineering for AI

Published on: 05.07.2024

The University of Bonn is an international research university with a wide education and research profile. With a 200-year history, approximately 31,500 students, more than 6,000 staff, and an excellent reputation at home and abroad, the University of Bonn is one of the most important universities in Germany and is recognized as a university of excellence.

At the Institute of Computer Science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Bonn and the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (Fraunhofer SCAI) a

W2 professorship in Data Engineering for AI

according to the Berlin Model as part of the cooperation between faculties and chairs of the University and institutions of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is to be filled at the earliest possible date. This is a fixed-term W2 professorship (5 years) with tenure track. After a successful interim and final evaluation, the candidate will move to a permanent W2 professorship.

    Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences



Starting date:

earliest possible date

Application documents:

  • letter of motivation,
  • CV,
  • list of publications,
  • third-party funding,
  • research concept (max. 2 pages) and
  • teaching concept (max. 1 page)

Applicants are expected to have demonstrated scientific excellence in at least one of the following areas:

  • Scalable Data Management,
  • Data Governance and Data Integrity,
  • Data Stewardship,
  • Data Visualization and Interactive Data Exploration

The focus should be on industry-relevant applications, for example in medicine, pharmaceuticals, the materials industry or manufacturing.
The position holder will represent the field in research and teaching at the University of Bonn and at the same time assume scientific and economic responsibility at Fraunhofer SCAI, where he/she will establish and lead a new research group. The successful candidate will be expected to attract external funding for research projects, acquire and process industrial contracts and maintain co-operative relationships with industry, proven experience is beneficial.

Teaching on the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Computer Science at the University of Bonn in German and/or English is an integral part of the professorship.

Young academics in the early stages of their career are encouraged to apply.

The recruitment requirements are based on § 36 HG NRW.

Applications received by 30.09.2024 are guaranteed to be considered. The appointment committee reserves the right to also consider applications received after this date. Please apply with the usual documents [letter of motivation, CV, list of publications, third-party funding, research concept (max. 2 pages) and teaching concept (max. 1 page)] via our online portal: https://berufungsportal.uni-bonn.de.

Evaluation criteria for filling the W2 professorship Data Engineering for AI according to the Berlin Model (W2 Tenure-Track W2) at the Institute of Computer Science together with Fraunhofer SCAI

Evaluation criteria proposed for the professorship in accordance with §7 paragraph (2) and Annex A of the Regulations for the Interim and Final Evaluation of Tenure-Track Professorships at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn dated November 28, 2023 (Tenure-Track Regulations)

  1. Research performance
    Establishment of an own working group at Fraunhofer SCAI
    • with 4 employees after 5 years
    • Funding ratio of over 80% from raised third-party funds, of which at least 40% come from industry revenues.
    Potential for scientific development in an international comparison
    Recognizable e.g. by:
    • extraordinary contribution to the development of the research field, new methodological and conceptual developments,
    • above-average quality, originality, creativity and independence of research, demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference papers, or
    • outstanding international visibility (proven e.g. by h-index / citations, activity as editor, lecture invitations, prizes)
    Promotion of young scientists
    Recognizable e.g. by:
    • successful supervision of doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers, or
    • quality of graduates' subsequent positions and careers
  2. Teaching
    Recognizable e.g. by:
    • successful supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses as well as verified high quality and broad teaching spectrum, taking into account the type (lectures, seminars, internships, professional development, etc.) and the educational levels (BSc, MSc, PhD, part-time), internationality and diversity, taking into account the teaching evaluations of participants, or
    • successful supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses
    Conception of teaching materials
    Recognizable e.g. by:
    • development or introduction of new teaching content, didactic teaching concepts and teaching formats, e-learning, especially in the area of continuing education, or
    • participation in didactic training measures or interdisciplinary events
  3. Academic commitment
    Participation in academic self-administration
    Recognizable e.g. by:
    • participation in internal university commissions, committees or activities affecting the public
  4. Management responsibility
    Personnel management skills
    Recognizable e.g. by:
    • leading of working groups and taking on direct personnel responsibility

Diversity and equal opportunity

The University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. It is certified as a family-friendly university and has a dual career program. Its aim is to increase the proportion of women in areas in which women are underrepresented and to promote their careers in particular. It therefore strongly encourages applications from suitably qualified women. Applications will be treated in accordance with the State Equal Opportunities Act. Applications from suitable severely disabled persons and persons of equal status are particularly welcome.

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Institute Director Fraunhofer SCAI

Prof. Dr. Michael Griebel

Chair of the Appointment Committee

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Klein

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