W3 Professorship Agricultural Robotics
Published on: 20.03.2025
The University of Bonn is an international research university with a wide education and research profile. With a 200-year history, approximately 31,500 students, more than 6,000 staff, and an excellent reputation at home and abroad, the University of Bonn is one of the most important universities in Germany and is recognized as a university of excellence1.
The Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences at the University of Bonn, Germany, invites applications for a full
Professorship (W3) - Agricultural Robotics
to be filled at the earliest possible date.
Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences
02 May 2025
Starting date:
at the earliest possible opportunity
The professorship will strengthen the cluster of excellence PhenoRob (www.phenorob.de) with special focus on robotics in crop science. We are seeking an individual who has achieved international recognition in at least one of the following fields:
- Autonomous intelligent agricultural machinery
- Innovative technologies for tillage, seeding, crop management and harvesting
- Robotics control engineering
Teaching activities are expected in agricultural engineering, sensors and technology as well as robotics in the study programs of the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences.
The candidate should have demonstrated experience in the acquisition of extramural funding. The coordination of research networks is expected for the future.
The formal requirements are regulated by §36 Hochschulgesetz NRW.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
The University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunity. It is certified as a family-friendly university4. It aims to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are under-represented and to promote their careers in particular. It therefore strongly encourages women with relevant qualifications to apply. Applications will be handled in accordance with the Landesgleichstellungsgesetz (State Equality Act). Applications from suitable individuals with a certified serious disability and those of equal status are particularly welcome.

- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/about-the-university/university-of-excellence/university-of-excellence
- https://berufungsportal.uni-bonn.de
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet/medien-universitaet/medien-arbeiten-an-der-uni/medien-personalmanagement/pdfs-stellenausschreibungen-professuren/w3-professorship-agricultural-robotics.pdf
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/university/equal-opportunity/family-friendly-university/family-friendly-university