Support for newly appointed professors in administrative matters
Arriving in a new country and in a new working environment raises many questions. As part of the onboarding service, the University of Bonn will take care of you!
How do I get my money?
In order for you to be able to dispose of the funds promised to you, some administrative steps are required. We know what needs to be done and connect you with our financial specialists so that you can, for example, make procurements.

How do I get my staff?
When selecting and hiring personnel, many legal, tariff and occupational health and safety regulations must be observed and applied.
We save you the search and bring you together with the right contacts and accompany the process.
How do I get my equipment?
The money is there, the staff wants to get started. Now all that's missing is the office or laboratory equipment. We can help you to procure furniture, IT equipment and laboratory equipment. We would be happy to put you in touch with specialists.

How do I get access to the IT services of the University of Bonn?
You need access data for Basis, eCampus, SAP, e-mail and many more portals that you need for your daily work.
We help you decide which accesses you need and how and where you can apply for the access data.
Networking with your colleagues will often be on a professional level and also interdisciplinary.
Through the new professors reception and other events, you will have the opportunity to connect across the university.

Offers for your professional and personal development
The Human Resources Development & Career team will be happy to assist you with your individual leadership issues. Let them help you get started with coaching or let them advise you on team development, conducting appraisal interviews and planning qualification measures.
Heike Rauer
Corina Rütten
Specialists in administration are there for you!
years of tradition and innovation
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