30. January 2020

160 international top universities sign the "Sorbonne Declaration" Open research data: University of Bonn participates in "Sorbonne Declaration"

University of Bonn involved in plea for open research data

Nine associations of international top universities have spoken up for open research data. The associations represent more than 160 of the largest and most renowned universities from many parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa. The University of Bonn is involved as a member of the German U15 network.

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In the Sorbonne Declaration signed in Paris earlier this week, the associations advocate making research data as openly accessible and reusable as possible. Private and personal data as well as intellectual property must be protected. The internationally established FAIR principle should be applied to data, according to which data should be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.

The associations demand from their respective governments to create the necessary political and legal framework for open research data and to provide the necessary funds for the technological infrastructure and research data management.

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