Costs and Financing for International Students
Studying at the University of Bonn is free of charge, unless you are taking one of a handful of degree programs for continuing education. Securing the necessary funding can pose a challenge, however. As well as information on how much studying costs, therefore, this web page also gives you some tips on financing and funding opportunities.
Costs during your studies
Semester fee
The University of Bonn does not charge tuition fees. However, students have to pay a social contribution every semester, which is used to finance various services.
Living expenses
Living expenses for a student in Bonn amount to roughly €800–€1,000 a month and will mainly go on your rent.
Health insurance
Students in Germany are required to take out health insurance when they enroll at a university. However, there are exceptions.
Evidence of funds
Students from non-EU countries will generally have to provide evidence of sufficient funds as early as when they submit their visa application or, at the latest, when they apply for a residence permit. This proves that you will have enough money for a degree program in Germany. Since October 01, 2024, the minimum requirement has been €992 a month or €11,904 a year.
The following forms of evidence will be accepted:
- Blocked account
- Proof of your parents’ income and wealth
- Scholarship approval notification from a recognized scholarship provider
- Bank guarantee
- Commitment made by someone resident in Germany to the Immigration Office confirming that they will cover your costs
You can get more information on this from the German Embassy or German Consulate in your country of residence.
Financing your studies
There are various ways to fund your studies at the University of Bonn. Numerous organizations and foundations award scholarships to international students. You can also look for a part-time job if your residence permit allows you.
For many students, scholarships are a good way of funding their studies. They are a form of financial support that does not need to be paid back. However, they will rarely cover all of your living expenses, so you will need to consider other funding options as well.
Loans are another way to fund your studies. Unlike a scholarship, a loan will have to be repaid at some point in the future. Before you apply, make sure you know exactly what terms are offered on loans to international students.
Studying and earning money
International students have the opportunity to earn money during their studies by taking a part-time job. If you have EU/EFTA citizenship, you do not need a work permit for this. For students from third countries with a residence title for study purposes, a restricted work permit applies during their stay.
Students on exchange programs such as Erasmus+ are able to apply for financial support from their university. Your home university can give you more details.
DAAD-STIBET I scholarships under the Global Exchange Program
International students who come to Bonn from partner universities8 as part of the Global Exchange Program can obtain a DAAD-STIBET I scholarship. Their partner universities put their names forward for the scholarship via email when nominating them for the Global Exchange Program. Applications are submitted to the partner university, which also makes the final selection decision.
The scholarship is worth €650 a month and can be awarded for up to 10 months.
International students and working towards a degree at the University of Bonn can apply for three different types of scholarships from April 2025:
- Degree completion scholarship
- Equal opportunity scholarship
- Scholarship recognizing exceptional voluntary work or community engagement
Formal application criteria
- Enrollment at the University of Bonn as a regular student (Bachelor’s, Master’s or state exam, no exchange students)
- Foreign nationality (dual nationals must not hold German citizenship)
- University entrance qualification obtained outside Germany
To apply for a scholarship, students must meet all three criteria.
Further information on the funding amount, application documents and the application deadline will be published in April 2025.
The new “Bridge Scholarships for Palestinians in Germany” program launched by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is designed to support qualified Palestinians—particularly those from Gaza—who are living in Germany and who are unable to return home due to the current situation, enabling them to embark on or continue their career here in Germany.
With these scholarships, the DAAD is reaching out to Palestinian bachelor’s and master’s students, doctorate holders, postdocs and university professors in all subjects who completed their degree program, an internship forming part of their degree program, their doctorate or a research project in Germany within the past six months (or, at the very latest, by the time they take up their scholarship) and who need support with finding employment on the German education and job market. The funding can also be put toward internships and research projects.
Lasting between one and four months, the bridge scholarships can be taken up from December 2024 at the earliest and must finish by March 2025 at the latest. Applications can be submitted via the online application portal any time between now and October 15, 2024.
The web page for the call for applications provides further important information on the application criteria and procedure. If you have any queries, please email
NRWege ins Studium supports students of the University of Bonn who have a refugee history. We offer monthly scholarships of €300. We also provide counselling on the way to your university degree.
You can apply for this scholarship before your study program has started as long as you are enrolled as a student of the University of Bonn starting from winter term 2024/2025.
If you are not eligible to BAföG we can grant scholarships of up to €934 in individual cases.
Formal conditions for application
- You are considered a refugee in accordance with the program’s specifications: you have received a first decision by the BAMF; you are granted temporary protection or protection on humanitarian grounds; you are holding a residence permit for the purpose of admission from abroad; you are not subject to a final deportation order; you do not hold a settlement permit
- You have received your university entrance qualification (equivalent to Abitur) abroad (not at a German school)
- You have arrived in Germany within the past 5 years. This period can be extended to up to 7 years if you have underage children, if you cared for other family members or if you suffered from illness for a longer period of time. If you took part in NRWege programs or Integra programs before, the time period of 5 years might also be extended
Selection criteria
- Strong motivation for achievement and interest in your subject
- Your achievements so far indicate that you will successfully complete your study program
- Social engagement can be a plus (active membership in an association, social and political engagement, cultural activities)
- You are willing to participate in counselling and activities within the NRWege program
Funding period and amount of funding
- October 2024 to September 2025 with the option of extension (subject to approval by the Ministry of Culture and Science of NRW)
- €300 per month for a scholarship complementing an income of max. €934
- up to €934 per month for full scholarships
Application process and documents
- Complete the application form and upload the requested application documents
- Application deadline: March 01, 2025
- The selection committee will take its decision based on your written application. If you are applying for a full scholarship of €934 we will conduct an interview via zoom
- Payment of the scholarships will start by April 01, 2025 (retroactively if necessary)
Application documents
- Letter of motivation (one or two pages)
- Curriculum vitae
- Transcript of records (if you are only about to start your study program: certificate of German language skills with grade)
- Certificate of enrollment or letter of admission from the University of Bonn (scholarship can be awarded only after enrollment)
- Copy of residence permit or first BAMF decision
- BAföG decision or proof of application for BAföG
- Informal disclosure, dated and signed, about your general financial situation: monthly funds and its sources (salary, public funding etc.), if applicable income of your spouse
- If applicable, proof of income from sources of public funding other than BAföG (e.g. Bürgergeld)
- If applicable, proof of income from a part-time job or other activities
- If possible, letter of recommendation (if you are in your 4th semester or above a letter of recommendation is mandatory)
- If applicable, proof of your social engagement or outstanding achievements
- If applicable, proof of participation in preparatory courses (e.g. language courses funded by Integra or NRWege)
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact
Dr. Gesine Schiller
Explanatory video: Financial Matters
This video will give you important information on some of the financial aspects of your studies, including opening a blocked account or a normal bank account, managing your finances and applying for scholarships. (The presentation is in English; German subtitles can be added in.)
Financial Matters (©Universität Bonn \ Quelle: YouTube)
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
Deborah Schwarz
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
53115 Bonn (Germany)
Office Hours
- by appointment
Also see
Support for doctoral students
Details of the support available for doctoral students can be found on the Bonn Graduate Center web page.
Financing and support
More information on topics such as BAföG, scholarships and taking part-time jobs while studying is available from the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service web page.
DAAD scholarship database
Information on various forms of support and relevant services provided by the DAAD.